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Deaf Children's Society through JustGiving

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"Why am I doing it? Because I am mad but I am doing it for my mum. My mum is deaf. I never fully appreciated how debilitating hearing loss can be. If mum had received some of the help and support that is available now when she was younger, her life now could be very different. So I want to raise a little money for children with hearing difficulties"  Claire Frances

"The Swindon DCS is my local group which has given my family support and the opportunity to meet other families in similar situations. I am hoping to raise as much as I can to help the Swindon DCS as a thank you for their support and to help others that are in the same situation now and the future."  Daniel Bishop

​"I was born profoundly deaf since birth and underwent a major surgery to provide me an Cochlear Implant at the age of 2. This was a difficult decision my parents had to make but the charity's support given to myself and my family has been essential.  In more recent years, I have been diagnosed with Usher Syndrome, however, I have not let this condition effect me in any shape or form! The charity itself gave me the opportunity to learn sign language and created life long friendships with other deaf people who have been through similar experience. The charity has a huge place in my heart and I could not give my thanks enough for everything they have done for myself, my family and friends." Jodie Voller



  • ​Mr John Elliot for his donation of £80 on his 80th birthday
  • Wiltshire Trauma informed Counselling for their donation of £100
  • Helen Browning's Royal Oak for their pig racing fundraiser raising £1,225
  • Wanborough Farmer's Market for their donation of £170
  • Majorie Carol Wilson for her £2,000.00 will donation
  • The anonymous donations from our Just Giving General Appeal
  • The staff and pupils of Kennett House, The Ridgeway school, who raised £200.00.​
  • ​​The Mayor of Swindon, Cllr Kevin Parry and his wife Barbara, the fundraising committee, plus everyone that supported the committee and the events. We were beyond honoured to have been chosen as one of the two  supported charities alongside CALM (Children's Cancer And Leukaemia Movement) and are so grateful for the amazing amount of funds raised- £35.252.42 divided between the two charities. 
  • The staff and pupils of Kingsdown School, who raised £413.32.
  • Those who have chosen the DCS as their nominated supported charity for the Swindon Charity Lottery.
  • ​Blunsdon Village Gardening Club made a donation of £50.00 on behalf of Mr Voller who gave a talk at their club.
  • The British Malayalee Charity Foundation who donated £500 to the DCS from their charity skydive in September 2019.

  • The brave skydivers who have leapt from 10,000 feet above Swindon in all of our fundraising skydives held from 2015 -2019, raising huge amounts for the DCS!

  • Moose Swindon 32 Lodge for their generous donation of £500 and inviting us as their guest speaker in March 2019.

  • Mothers Union Christian Care for Families for their donation of £70 in February 2019.

  • Tumble Tots in Royal Wootton Bassett who raised £100.83 in 2018.

  • Swindon Gateway BSL Group, who chose us as one of their supported charities and donated £160 in 2017.

  • A cake sale held by the Wyvern Theatre and Prime Theatre for Deaf Awareness raised £51, which they kindly donated to the DCS.

  • Helen Browning's Organics and The Royal Oak Bishopstone, who have chosen us as their supported charity since 2015 for the Bishopstone International Pig Racing Fiesta. A massive thank you to Helen, Tim Finney and the team. 

  • Pam Cheesley, who organised a staff reunion in October 2016 and donated the night's £250 profit. This was also matched by her employer. 

  • Claire Frances, who took part in the Ironman Wales on 13th September 2015-  her first Iron distance triathlon. What an amazing achievement! Claire raised £398.75 with Gift Aid. ​ 

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3. Choose the type of fundraising you’re doing
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​5. Share your page!

sponsor forms

If you prefer to raise money with traditional sponsor forms, you can download our Swindon and North Wiltshire Deaf Children's Society sponsor form by clicking here

swindon lottery

Support us by signing up for the Swindon Lottery and choosing the 'DCS' to support - For just £1 per week you have the chance of winning £25,000 every week To sign up click here

just giving

Raising money for Swindon and North Wiltshire Deaf Children's Society couldn't be easier. Create a personalised fundraising page and share it with your friends and family.. Just Giving do the rest..

To get started click here

We rely on volunteers and our wonderful fundraisers. If you are interested in fundraising for us please get it touch. We use Just Giving so you'll have access to the best fundraising tools around, including JustTextGiving – the UK’s first free text donation service.

Your friends and family can donate to your fundraising page whenever and wherever is convenient for them – on or on Facebook, through their computer or on their mobile.

Once you have created your page following the instructions shown, email your friends & family, tell everyone your text code and share your page on social media.


  • ​​​We have been able to continue to offer a free membership scheme, plus offer free entry to all of our events for our members.
  • We spent £400 on new toys for the Paediatric Audiology clinics in Swindon.
  • We have supported a number of our members to complete an online Introductory British Sign Language course and a Signalong Foundation Course with Swindon Speech and Language Therapy Department. 
  • We have supported children attending transitional sessions to secondary school and social and health care sessions held at Red Oaks school by the advisory teachers of the deaf, by funding taxis to transport them to and from the event during the school day.
  • We funded places for a number of our deaf children and accompanying adults to attend a Football in the Community Day at Swindon Town Football Club, introducing them to football training sessions aimed at deaf children.
  • Our events have included a Tenpin bowling family event, trampoline park, plus Jungle Parc and summer bbq. We have also organised an annual ice skating event for all members, which included a social meet up with food and drinks followed by a private session on the ice rink. Other events have included pool parties, a pottery class, plus events exclusively for our young deaf members aged 11+. These events give children and parents the opportunity to meet new deaf friends and make new ones.

  • In 2018 we funded our DCS member, Maisie Sly, to travel to The Oscars where 'The Silent Child' Film won an Oscar in the category, live action short film - This success has promoted deaf awareness internationally and Maisie continues in her work to raise awareness.

  • We have bought 22 'shoes' to attach direct input leads to hearing aids for our Teachers of the Deaf to give to our older deaf children to support them in listening to music. We have also recently agreed a funding application for the purchase of 4 Soundfield systems and number of new radio aid systems to support deaf children in Swindon with their education.

  • We have launched a new Individual Grant to support our deaf child members and to support/advance their educational outcomes. The grant will be open to our current family members only to support a deaf child member. The types of requests the Committee will consider include - Assistance with the purchase of specialist hearing equipment which will benefit an individual member. The provision of funding for special courses that will support the advancement of the child’s education, plus support for professional assessments. 

  • We also offer Funding Application scheme, through which individuals and organisations can apply for up to £500 to be able to benefit deaf children, young people and their families. Applications must support the aims of the DCS and further promote opportunities for deaf children and young people to socialise and have fun together, to improve the children’s confidence and encourage friendships.


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